Morristown Recreation
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News: NEW Morristown SkatePark and Bike Pump Track

Date Published Author
12/15/2020 12:00:00 AM  Sara Haskins 

Hello Morristown community and neighbors!
I am writing on behalf of our municipal Morristown Recreation and Parks Committee, more specifically, the Morristown Skate Park and Pump Track Sub-Committee. Our sub-committee was revived recently with the aim of creating a NEW SkatePark and Bike Pump Track on Town or private land. 
We anticipate this to be a phased process and are excited to invite you to join us!

  1. Check out our flyer and proposal for more information and PLEASE SHARE widely:
  1. Get Involved: FILL OUT OUR SURVEY and SHARE IT with anyone who may be interested
    1. To join one of our workgroups fill out this 30 second SURVEY at: ly/morristownsk8
      1. Workgroups:
        1. Steering committee made up of Skaters and Bikers
        2. Location
        3. Design and Construction
        4. Marketing
        5. Fundraising
        6. Something you can offer that is not listed!
 Looking forward to our next steps,
Morristown Skatepark and Bike PumpTrack Sub-Committee Co-Chairs: Amy Schaeffer, Jess Graham and Alison LinkSk8Park